Tag: adjusting

Making Date Night work for you – yes, YOU!

It’s alright, you can admit it: Once you have kids, sneaking out with your sweetie can seem like more trouble than it’s worth. Of course you know you need the break, some time together, a meal that someone else makes and cleans up, and that doesn’t involve a giant stack of napkins and profuse apologies to your server on your way out……

Feelings of surprise – you’re not alone

We thought we would be able to approach motherhood in many of the same ways we have approached other new experiences in our lives – that is, with some preparation, some research, and with the reliance on ourselves as rational, competent and capable people.

Staying Home

By Beth Morris *Originally published in May, 2013 on the blog Write as Rain (writeasrainblog.com). I recently updated my current job title on my Facebook page to “Mom/Project Manager at Home.” While this might sound like an overly official title for what most call stay-at-home-mom, I like it.  Why should what I’m doing now be made to sound any less…

“It’s not you”

I’ll never forget the quote of a dear friend who enlightened me on the experience of new fathers. He said, “I was prepared to be a father, but I was not prepared to be married to a mother”.

How to be a SAHM

by Shawna Gamache So you want to be a stay-at-home mom (or dad) Whether you’ve planned it forever, or are shocked to find yourself here, becoming a full-time parent is a big deal. It’s certainly the road less travelled by, and that can make it hard to find your way at first. I’m one of the millions of moms who…