Tag: baby

Parents Everywhere Need Support, and PEPS Travels Well

One day in August of 2012, my husband Matt came home with a shiny brochure in his hand. “What do you think?” he asked, and I immediately said “Yes. Definitely yes.” In the short conversation that followed we made a decision that changed our story: In less than a year we would be moving to Bonn, Germany. We had talked for years about…

Catching your breath at the magical half-year mark

I am so close I can almost taste it. To having a baby with three (somewhat predictable) naps. A baby who can sometimes nap without being on me. A baby who can sit up on her own but can’t yet get away from me. A baby I can wear on my back, leave on her tummy for a minute, sit next to me on the carpet…

Staying Home

By Beth Morris *Originally published in May, 2013 on the blog Write as Rain (writeasrainblog.com). I recently updated my current job title on my Facebook page to “Mom/Project Manager at Home.” While this might sound like an overly official title for what most call stay-at-home-mom, I like it.  Why should what I’m doing now be made to sound any less…

Tips for flying with a baby from experienced PEPS parents

Traveling with a baby is always a hot topic in PEPS meetings, and there are lots of things you can do to make the trip go smoother. We recently asked people to share their top tips on the PEPS Facebook Page and we received so many great ideas, we had to put it all in once place so new parents can benefit from your experience!

Higher Highs and Lower Lows

Finally we have the true roller coaster that is parenting. It can lift you, windswept, to breathtaking heights you never knew existed, and then drop you so fast it leaves you spinning and wanting to throw up.

The art of letting parents talk

The key to asking open-ended questions is that it doesn’t assume that the parent you’re talking to plans to do x,y or z the same way you do, or even the same way that many or most parents do. It leaves space for the idea that there are many right ways to parent, and shows that you respect that parent enough to hear them out, whatever their plans may be.