Tag: Parenting

PEPS: Expectation Vs. Reality

Before participating in a PEPS Group, many people believe PEPS is just another parenting class. In reality, PEPS is so much more than that. It’s a space to build community, have real, raw conversations, and connect with other parents going through the same phase of life. Archana Agrawal shares her experience in a PEPS Newborn Group and how her expectations changed after joining a group.

Feeling a loss of identity after bringing home baby? Here’s one way to find it.

Becoming a parent can trigger a major shift in identity. As your schedule and priorities change, often your core values realign as well. Brie Backus, a Leadership & Fulfillment Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and PEPS supporter and sponsor, works with her clients to take stock of their values and find ways to lean into those values in daily life as a parent. Read her tips for identifying your values on our blog.

Why Imperfect Parenting is GOOD for Our Kids

Nobody’s perfect, and there’s nothing like becoming a parent to remind you of that. But what if we said that all those moments of imperfection as a parent are actually GOOD for your kids? Our recent blog post by a PEPS Group Leader and alum gives practical examples of how you can turn imperfect parenting moments into growth opportunities.

How early parenthood prepared me for quarantine

I’ve never lived through a pandemic before. But like all parents, I know what it’s like to have my world shrink. My world used to be much tinier than this, those first weeks after I had each baby when I barely left my bedroom, and the months afterward when even a walk down the street sometimes seemed impossible.

The quarantine’s tight intimacy has been strangely familiar, so sweet and so suffocating at the same time. Thanks to those early baby years, I know what it’s like to have my world close in on me and my children, and how to re-craft my expectations around those new boundaries. Luckily, this time around, I have that past experience to guide me.

One Year In, With Twins

by Leah Wyatt My fraternal boy-girl twins turned one last week, and we hosted the requisite first birthday bash, complete with cake smashing photo op. As with all first birthday parties, ours was really for the parents. In addition to allowing my husband to sip wine with other adults without leaving our house, the planning and execution of the event…

Why I Love Raising a Toddler

by Jessica Towns There is no shortage of parenting articles and videos these days on the subject of keeping it real. Moms and dads share, with brutal honesty, how hard it is to be a parent. The culprit tends to be a toddler—arguing with circular logic, rubber stamping the pets, spewing violent tears over something irrational. We praise these parents…

Talking to Your Kids About Race (and other difficult things)

by Jasen Frelot Talking about race is among the hardest things we are called to do as parents. The very idea of it often brings up bad memories or fears of getting it wrong. But, more than ever, we know that talking to our kids about race is essential to preparing them to exist in an increasingly diverse world. Below…

Who will you meet in your PEPS group?

When you attend your first PEPS meeting, I think it’s natural to come in with a bit of anxiety – not sure what to expect and not sure who you will meet. You try your best to “come as you are” but at the same time, trying to impress…a little. Do you measure up to the other parents? Will they…

Dear Brand New Mom: Listen To What They Can’t Say

Dear Brand New Mom, Learning to understand your child’s cues is a skill you will work hard to develop over their lifetime. It starts when they are newborns and continues when they are teenagers. It didn’t dawn on me that this was a lifelong skill until I was faced with two tweens who have their own way of communicating. I don’t…

Armchair Quarterbaby

by Shelly Mazzanoble I come from a sports-loving family who taught me the names of every NHL team, the location of every MLB stadium, and which NBA teams had mascots. (Very important to an eight-year old girl.) But when it comes to the NFL, ask me to decipher the difference between a touchback and a fullback, and I deflate quicker…