Category: Child development

Toddler Emotions 

The toddler years are full of big feelings. If you’re dealing with tantrums and power struggles, read these tips from PEPS Sponsor Allegro Pediatrics on helping toddlers identify, communicate, and work through their feelings.

Supporting Language Development in Infancy 

Did you know that a baby’s auditory system becomes functional around the start of the third trimester, and by the time they’re born they already know their birth parent’s voice and characteristics of the language(s) their birth parent speaks? Learn more about infant language development and tips for creating rich sound experiences for babies from the director of University of Washington’s Lab for Early Auditory Perception.

Raising kids in an increasingly digital world  

Sometimes parenting recommendations from experts feel nearly impossible to implement in daily life. Screen-time is one of those challenges for many parents. PEPS Sponsor Kidovo offers a personalized, interactive app that helps children engage with tech in a healthy and educational way. 

How to Raise a Reader? Think Outside the Book.

Does your little one squirm off your lap every time you start reading a book? Or do they only want to read the same book over and over? For parents trying to build a foundation for literacy in their babies and toddlers, these things might not be the problem you think they are! Read tips from literacy expert Jocelyn Manzanarez on fun and easy ways to build literacy through music and movement.

Gearing Up for Baby-Led Weaning

here’s been a lot of buzz about baby-led weaning in recent years. The team at BooginHead (a PEPS sponsor!) did a lot of digging to learn the ins and outs of this new style of weaning. And they’ve recently launched a Baby-Led Weaning 5-Piece Essentials Kit to help families gear up to start baby-led weaning in a safe, approachable way. Learn more on our blog!

Two siblings playing with a dollhouse together. Image courtesy of Vlada Karpovich via Pexels.

The Hidden Curriculum of Infant Gender Socialization

These days, many parents are striving for more gender-neutral parenting to avoid imposing gender bias on their children from a young age. But despite the best of intentions, research shows that parents of infants still interact with their babies differently based on gender. What can parents do to break the cycle of harmful gender socialization? Read our blog post to learn more.

Tools for Understanding Infant Temperament, and Why It Matters

Understanding your baby’s temperament can be easier said than done. And even if you know what their temperament is, what are you supposed to do about it? Our latest blog posts explores tools for parents to understand their infant’s temperament and create a harmonious relationship.

Your Kids Are Not Too Young

BY SHAWNA GAMACHE (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) Like a lot of white people raised in the 80s and 90s, I grew up learning racism was bad. Racists were evil and would make themselves known through the blatantly terrible things they said and did. My job as a good white person would be to speak up when this happened. Besides…